Live Interpreter Feature

Anytime Pediatrics Live Interpreter

  • Select the patient from the waiting room.

  • Once the telemedicine visit has been initiated, select the patient’s language and click the call translator button.

    • Once connected, the translator will ask for the visit ID#.

  • This feature is available during the virtual check-in with your front desk staff and during the telemedicine visit with the Clinician.

  • If the front desk calls the translator during the virtual check-in, the translator will stay on the line once the visit is routed to the Clinician.

    • You will be able to see if the translator feature is enabled by looking at the patient ID card in the waiting room.

    • If the Clinician routes the patient back to the front desk after completing the telemedicine visit, the translator will stay on the line unless they are disconnected.

  • Select End Call with Translator to disconnect.

  • The pricing for this feature will be $0.98 per minute. This charge will be billed back to the practice on the practice’s monthly invoice.

  • You can also use this feature for In-Office Visits

  • Please contact our customer service department if you would like to enable this feature.

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