How To Update The Software On Your Mobile Device Haga clic aquí para ver este artículo en español If your device is not compatible with the Anytime Pediatrics App, then it may be running on an unsupported version of iOS or Andr...
Patient Perspective - Accelerated Instant Invite Follow the steps below to enter your pediatrician's virtual waiting room with your 6 digit Invite Code Go to the web platform or open the Anytime App on your device Select the Click h...
How to Add a New Patient to Your Practice There are two ways to add a patient to your practice. Patient Tab When a practice creates the patient’s account, it will automatically register their profile to your practice...
How to view clinical notes from previous visits 1. Click the Patient tab at the top of the screen and select Visits. 2. You can search by the patient, visit ID, phone encounter ID, visit date, practice, and seen by. When you see ...
Billing Revenue Your practice's Billing Administrator can follow these steps through the Anytime Telecare platform to locate and download your revenue. Log into your Anytime Telecare account. Click the practice admin tab and select Billin...
Please click on the link below to view our latest Webinar about pediatric virtual well visits. https://vimeo.com/415601865 ...
Last Updated: 02/16/2021
in Anytime Go Resource Guides
Prenatal Workflow Follow the workflow below to provide prenatal pediatric care using the Anytime Pediatrics platform. Log in to the Anytime Pediatrics platform using a Google Chrome web browser. Click on the pati...
Cómo añadir una práctica a tu plataforma de Anytime Telecare Entra en tu cuenta de Anytime Telecare usando Google Chrome. Selecciona la pestaña de “Practicas” (Practices) en la parte superior de la pantalla. Haga clic...
How to Access Your Visit History Log into your account on a Google Chrome web browser Click on the Visit History tab at the top of your screen If you would like detailed information for a specific visit, click on the View button t...