Non-Triage Encounters
NON-TRIAGE ENCOUNTERS Non-Triage Calls occur when you are unable to provide care advice to a caller and the instructions are to call back to the office when it reopens for assistance. You will have two dispositions for thes...
Pediatric Essential vs Non-Essential medication guide
ESSENTIAL VS NON-ESSENTIAL MEDICATIONS GUIDE Essential Prescription Medications Definition In this guideline, the word "essential" is used to describe medications for which there is a risk of harm to the patient i...
Appropriate Telehealth Appointments
Appropriate Telehealth Appointments Pink eye Insect bite Bedwetting Birth control Menstrual concerns Headache ( not related to any head trauma/ accident ) ADHD f/u VAPG ONLY Anxiety/ Depression f/u VA...
Adult Essential VS Non-Essential med guide
Definition of Essential Medicines for Adults The word "essential" is used to describe medicines for which there is a likelihood of harm to the patient if not taken. The triager should use their nursing judgment and critical thinking...