Office Practicum and Anytime Pediatrics

Helpful resources for your practice to provide a smooth integration of Office Practicum and Anytime Pediatrics.


Office Practicum - Adding a new user
Please visit the Office Practicum help site for detailed instructions on how to successfully add a new telehealth user to Anytime Pediatrics with Office Practicum.  ...
Office Practicum: Documenting a visit
Before starting an Anytime Pediatrics visit, the practice must understand the workflow and setup with Anytime Pediatrics. The workflow starts with the Clinical Staff beginning the visit and then routing it to the Provider for the Provider to char...
Office Practicum and Anytime Pediatrics - Before you begin
Office Practicum has joined with Anytime Pediatrics to address your Telehealth needs. Anytime Pediatrics provides software that supports convenient virtual pediatric care via smartphone, tablet or computer. Within OP, the practice has the abil...
Office Practicum: How to schedule an appointment
Once the setup in OP has been completed for Anytime Pediatrics Telehealth Visits, the practice may begin scheduling appointments.  Please visit the Office Practicum  help site  for detailed instructions on how to correctly schedule a teleh...
 Anytime Pediatrics and Office Practicum integration video
Anytime Pediatrics and Office Practicum  For information on integrating Telehealth with OP, click below to view Anytime Pediatrics Telehealth Integration Video . ...
How to change your Browser to Google Chrome in OP
How to change your default web browser to Google Chrome The Anytime Pediatrics platform performs best while the user is using the most recent version of Google Chrome. Please advise the users in your practice to update their Google Chrome web ...
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